Year 4 – Dolphins Class

Welcome to Dolphins Class (Year 4)

Year 4 Class Teachers: Mr S Mallinson and Mrs A Bath

dolphins class logo

Our Learning

In Year 4 we deepen our learning through studying a range of interesting and exciting topics!

In English, we read a wise range of engaging texts to inspire our writing in English, and in mathematics we learn our full range of times tables, arithmetic and problem solving. The Year Four National Multiplication Tables Check takes place in June of Year 4, which measures how fluently we know our times tables.  We learn about a range of artists and artistic techniques; we learn about the Earth’s movement in space and magnets in science, and a whole range of other subjects and topics to broaden our understanding of the work around us.

To support our learning throughout the year, we use ‘Spelling Shed’, an online learning platform, to secure children’s spelling and develop vocabulary and ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’, another online learning tool, to help secure the children’s multiplication and division facts.

We also use ‘Accelerated Reader’ (AR), a system which allows children to take comprehension quizzes on their reading books, to monitor and support reading. You can track your child’s AR quiz scores by signing up to ‘Renaissance Home Connect’.

More information about our Year Four curriculum for individual subjects can be found on our subject curriculum pages and in our termly Learning Letters, links to which are included below.


Our timetable can be downloaded below. Here, parents and pupils have the opportunity to view the class schedule to see the day-to-day routine including the range of curriculum that is covered. We have found that children with SEND have responded well to visually seeing the structure of the day ahead.

Dolphins Class Timetable

70 Things Before I Leave Shorne Primary – Year Four

At Shorne Church of England Primary School, one of our curriculum drivers is ‘Opportunities’. Teachers have created a list of ‘70 Things Before I Leave Shorne Primary’ to broaden children’s experiences throughout their primary years. The experiences and activities we encourage our Year 4 children to take part in – either at school or with their families – are:

#41 Create a piece of art using nature
#42 Cooking a meal
#43 Work with younger children
#44 Perform a poem
#45 Go on an overnight school trip
#46 Have a piece of artwork go on display
#47 Have a picnic in the park
#48 Learn to play traditional games
#49 Learn a new sport
#50 Go on a night walk

More Infomation about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages

Terms/Topic Information

Useful Parent Resources at Year 4

For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.