Year 3 – Foxes Class

Welcome to Foxes Class (Year 3)

Year 3 Class Teacher: Mr A Farnell and Mrs L Goodger

foxes class logo

Our Learning

Year Three is an exciting year of learning, with many interesting topics to study!

Our learning includes using a wonderful range of texts as a stimulus for different styles of writing in English, and in mathematics we learn our 3x , 4x and 8x times tables and how to do column addition and subtraction. We focus on the Ancient Egyptians in History, creating our own papyrus paper and mummifying oranges. In science, we look at fossils and how they were formed and embark on a trip to go fossil hunting ourselves!

To support our learning throughout the year, we use ‘Spelling Shed’, an online learning platform, to secure children’s spelling and develop vocabulary and ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’, another online learning tool, to help secure the children’s multiplication and division facts.

We also use ‘Accelerated Reader’ (AR), a system which allows children to take comprehension quizzes on their reading books, to monitor and support reading. You can track your child’s AR quiz scores by signing up to ‘Renaissance Home Connect’.

More information about our Year Three curriculum for individual subjects can be found on our subject curriculum pages and in our termly Learning Letters, links to which are included below.


Our general timetable can be downloaded below. Our timetable is subject to change but gives you an overview of coverage each week.

Foxes Class Timetable

70 Things Before I Leave Shorne Primary – Year Three

At Shorne Church of England Primary School, we have introduced ‘70 Things Before I Leave Shorne Primary’, this helps to give children the opportunity to tick off big items throughout their primary years. The experiences and activities year three get to complete include:

#31 Make a fruit smoothie
#32 Run a stall and raise money for charity
#33 Have a water fight
#34 Make up a dance routine on the playground
#35 Go pond dipping
#36 Get covered in mud
#37 Read a book on the grass on a sunny day
#38 Create an exploding volcano
#39 Toast marshmallows on a campfire
#40 Prepare a meal for your family

More Information about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages. 

Terms/Topic Information

Useful Parent Resources at Year 3

For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.