Christian Vision and Values
Collective Worship

At Shorne Church of England Primary School, we undertake daily acts of worship during Collective Worship. Our Christian worship helps strengthen and support the Christian character of the school and is led by members of staff and our Faith Leaders. We follow the Rochester Diocese plans alongside passages from the Bible linked to our own school values – Resilience, Community and Respect. During worship, we spend time reflecting on ourselves and our place in the many communities we are an integral part of.
Our local Reverend, Revd Ted Hurst, leads our Collective Worship regularly. We have weekly Choral Worship, and also hold weekly Celebration Worship to celebrate our ‘Shining Stars’. During this time, children are recognised for their demonstration of our Christian Values and various other achievements linked to personal or community success and growth.
See our Collective Worship policy for more information.
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught in accordance with both the ‘Understanding Christianity’ scheme of work and the Kent Agreed Syllabus. RE enables pupils to appreciate their own and others’ beliefs and cultures, helping them to develop a clear understanding of the significance of religion in their own area as well as in the world today. Each of our classrooms has a Reflection Area, supporting pupils to explore their faith and spirituality through reflection.
See our Religious Education page for more information.
Faith Leaders
Our Faith Leaders play an important role in demonstrating the spiritual aspects of our school day and learning. They lead their classes in Collective Worship, modelling respect during acts of worship and delivering prayers during worship and at lunchtimes. The Faith Leaders also play an important role when we are at church, leading and supporting to ensure services are well-led.
To find out more about our current Faith Leaders, please visit the Pupil Leadership page here
Our Church
Shorne Church of England Primary School has strong links with St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church in Shorne. We hold a range of services at the church for Harvest, Christmas, Easter, and at the end of the school year for our Year 6 leavers. Parents are welcome to attend these services. There are also other opportunities for individual classes to visit the church as part of our RE curriculum.
For more information about St Peter and St Paul’s Church, please visit their website.
In January 2017 Revd Ted Hurst became the vicar. He was ‘instituted’ by the Right Revd. James Langstaff, Bishop of Rochester, on January 5th. We are pleased to have Revd Ted on our Local Governing Body. Ted has been actively involved in ministry for over 35 years. He has worked for many churches as a Children’s, Youth, and Families worker and also as the Children’s Officer for the Diocese of Canterbury. He has also worked as a chaplain in hospitals and the prison service. Ted was Ordained in 2011 and served his curacy in the Parish of South Gillingham before moving to Shorne.

Our School Prayer
Dear God,
Teach us to love our neighbour, learn from the Good Samaritan, and live with open hearts and minds.
Guide us to grow within the community, show respect to everyone and be resilient when things are challenging.